Friday, September 12, 2008

Hoegaarden and Hors d'orderves

Thursday. E and I went to Robert Bordos opening at Alexander and Bonin gallery in the Meatpacking district. Bordo is a painting professor at Cooper. We hooked up with J, K and two other girls which I cant remember the name of. Afterwards we went from opening to opening enjoying free food and free booze. I didn't see that much art that I found interesting, but that has never been the reason for going to openings anyway. Though most of the galleries were in Chelsea, the people at the openings seemed "regular". I was actually hoping to see more of those ridiculously rich people who goes to openings only to show of. The last gallery we went to was actually a hot print shop. There were some really funny Julian Opie prints on display. Think they were called "Digital Strippers". It was four pictures of strippers, really naive and in typical Julian Opie style. The funny thing was that they were flipping images, as you walked by, they danced! K was working at the print shop doing prints for them, which resulted in that we were invited to the after party. The party was in a small club in the Meatpacking, were they served free Hoegaarden and hors d'orderves. It was really nice! We had so much fun, after having enough brewskies (or to many), we moved on to another club were there were a concert. E knew one of the guys playing so we got in for free. It's so nice to know someone who knows someone. It's convenient. We danced our self silly to really up beat reggae inspired music, before I finally dragged my self home to East village .

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