Me and
Stina went to see Antony and the
Johnsons at the legendary Apollo theater in Harlem. It was amazing. The venue is fantastic, a classic theater stage with mezzanines, balconies, a huge chandelier and everything an old theater should have. We were sitting on the upper mezzanine. The seating is so
steep there, that you almost feel that you're going to fall down on the stage.
Antony entered
the stage in a dress, which best can be described as a fantasy wedding gown. The lights on the stage were turned of, and they
didn't come on until he had played three songs. His voice was fantastic. When he sang "Cripple and the starfish", I almost had tears in my eyes. He also sang
Beyoncés "Crazy in Love"! It was crazy nice.
And what is more
reasonable to do, after you have been listening to one of the worlds best voices than to explore the scene, were you probably can find the worst? I'm talking Karaoke. I'm not a karaoke person, I have only done it in Tokyo before, and there it is mandatory. After some drinks we got hooked in by a girl in Brooklyn to a karaoke bar. And after a considerable amount of Captain Morgan and coke and some tequila and free
Jäger shoots, I was ready to share with the world, my version of "Paint it Black". We ended the night in a classy way, shouting fuck you at the girl who was deciding which songs to play, because she
hadn't played more of the songs we wanted to sing. Then we ran of, in a dramatic manner, into the New York night.