Thursday, September 25, 2008

Back to Switzerland

Last night I was at two concerts at the Music Hall of Williamsburg with Emma, Gen, Cole and Sarah. Jesse Sykes and the sweet hereafter and Black Mountain were playing.It was great, but I'm not gonna write about that.

I was outside the venue having a smoke when I saw this girl. She looked so sad, really depressed. I ask here if everything was alright, which it obviously wasn't, and she started telling. She was from Switzerland and had stayed in new york for one year. First of all she hated her job, she was interning in a bank. The next ting she told me was that she just had gotten married to this guy she didn't want to be with. She said to me that he really loved her and was nice, but she didn't want to marry him. The third thing was that she didn't like New York and especially not Americans. She couldn't understand their way of being or come along with them. A fourth thing, she didn't mention, was that her husband was extremely jealous. I had been talking with the girl for ten minutes when he suddenly came storming out of the music hall. He looked at me and said, with a really loud and angry voice, "who the fuck are you?" Then he dragged the girl away and started interrogating her. "You have been gone for 45 fucking minutes! What have you been fucking doing?!". The hole thing was just sad. Back to Switzerland; a romantic comedy with out the happy ending nor the funny parts.

By the time we were leaving I was really drunk. When we started walking, me and Gen found this huge rubber mold of a midget, I thought i was going to laugh my self to death, it was hilarious! We wisely decided that we couldn't leave it behind. We dragged it with us, it was super heavy and to be honest quite disgusting. I woke my roommate because I was standing in the kitchen, all by my self , laughing at the mold.

I had fries for breakfast today.

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