Monday, December 15, 2008


Last week was pretty heavy. Late night parties almost every day. On Friday I had my first encounter with NYPD. I was actually just a silly case, but it was really annoying. We were at a party at Lea's place, we all got really drunk and had a great time. Me and Matthew decided to go get some more beer. On the way to the bodega, we stopped at a bar and bought brewskies. We wanted to get back to the party and decided to bring our beers out from the bar, that was a bad, drunk, decision. Walk over Cooper Square with open container, that's like asking for a ticket. We saw a police car and hid our beer in our jackets. We past the car and was pleased that we weren't stopped. Suddenly three policemen came from behind and threw us against the wall and started screaming at us. They claimed that they had told us to stop and that we had just kept going.

They kept us there for a long time, while they were checking our id's and writing the pink slip for us. I think the cops realized that we weren't bad guys, because they became really friendly. They said it had been a mistake stopping us, but that their boss were there and that they couldn't do anything. It was just stupid. Really goofy cops.

I was summoned to meet in court February 18th.

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